The haunted houses and costumes might be scary, but the treats are eerily delicious! For this month’s binge, we’re sharing our favorite Halloween candy.
Sarah: I always (not so secretly) hope my niece and nephews share their 3 Musketeers bars.
Karen: To the chagrin of my waistband, I love most Halloween candy. And to the chagrin of my dentist, I love that century-old fillings-ripper, Milk Duds. Bonus shout-out to Whoppers.
Sandy: My favorite Halloween candy is Reese’s cups, and I hide them in the freezer! 🙂 They have a shape for every holiday!
Nick: I mostly eat what I can grab from my grandkids’ take for the evening. My preferences are Kit Kat bars, Reese’s, candy corn and candy pumpkins.
Will: It’s Twix for me, with Reese’s a close second. I prefer chocolates, but adding a cookie crunch just isn’t fair.
Laura: I have never been a fan of candy corn … until I realized its magical powers when mixed with peanuts. It’s a staple in my candy dish.