Nope, I am not a tech geek. Yep, I know that I live and work in a world in which technological innovations improve lives, and not just for the VC investors who fund the commercialization and capitalization of breakthrough consumer products, but for everyday consumers. And, that’s what CES 2019 is all about.

I am also a Cincinnatian. That makes me proud all by itself, but it also made me curious as to Cincinnati’s connection to the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that just closed in Las Vegas. There may be more than the two I explore. I welcome input on other Cincinnati connections. In the meantime, here’s two that speak well of the Queen City.

P&G is in the house:

vehr-ces-cincinnati-2For the first time in its 182-year history, Cincinnati-based Procter & Gamble attended and displayed at the annual CES. According to this January 6, 2019 VentureBeat article by Dean Takahashi, “The company said its new focus is on leading disruption through technology, and it showed some very cool tech in what would otherwise be very ordinary products.”

P&G innovations on display included self-heating razors, artificial intelligence-enhanced and facial recognition skin care advice and counseling, home fragrance devices managed through mobile apps and AI-enabled toothbrushing enhancements. P&G demonstrated the company’s effort to put technology into ordinary products in such a way “that it just fades into the woodwork,” according to the author.

I think this is exciting. It may not be as “sexy” as foldable or rollable LED screens, self-driving cars, drones and AI-enhance kitchen appliances, but it is exciting in a way that can improve people’s lives and drive economic growth.

Cintrifuse and Blackshaw “Hack” 2019 CES:

vehr-ces-cincinnati-3The next Cincinnati connection came courtesy of Cincinnati’s boomerang innovation and tech leader, Pete Blackshaw. As CEO of Cincinnati’s startup promoter, Cintrifuse, Blackshaw hosted “2019 CES in Cincinnati.”

Here’s how Pete promoted the event on Facebook: “Can’t make it to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)? Or just refuse to spend all that money to walk the floor? Join newly appointed Cintrifuse CEO, Pete Blackshaw, and a panel of tech experts at Union Hall for an intense round of conversation about the CES news and scoop, from IoT and ‘Connected Health’ to ‘Smart Cities’ and ‘Multi-Sensory Experiences.’ We’ll even include a live-stream from the Eureka Park ‘startup’ exhibition.”

More than 250 attendees listened to an impressive panel of tech experts. Blackshaw shared this post-event, “We generated fantastic ideas on everything from blockchain and trust to FemTech and augmented reality.” He also provided a wrap-up on his Facebook page that is worth reading.

I just think what Cintrifuse and Blackshaw tried with their 2019 CES panel discussion and “hack” is as important and exciting as P&G exploring the cutting-edge technology required for them to remain a CPG world leader.

Again, I am not a tech geek. I do, however, understand the importance of innovation and risk to grow jobs, community and economies. All of this is also good for Cincinnati.