Where are we in the AI revolution?
AI will never replace human creativity, understanding, judgment and experience. It will improve efficiency, inform strategy and inspire creative thinking.
AI will never replace human creativity, understanding, judgment and experience. It will improve efficiency, inform strategy and inspire creative thinking.
Authenticity is at the core of a brand promise. Google stumbled out of the blocks with advertising for its AI product, Gemini, during the Games.
The only constant is change. Some believe AI has forever changed us while others ignore AI’s real or potential impact. Embrace AI and keep humans in the mix.
Is the information-sharing impact of AI on society bigger than that of the introduction of the Gutenberg Press in 1440?
Dick Cecil was a consultant, confidant and close friend of Nick Vehr. He was a big part of Vehr Communication’s history, growth and development over the years.
What will the Supreme Court ruling overturning affirmative action in academic admissions mean for other industry sectors and how should communicators prepare?
Our industry peers agree: AI is here to stay.
Are the Cincinnati Bengals more relevant, authentic and competitive than ever?
Today’s news media industry is disrupted, branded and remarkably segmented.
Vehr Communications always seeks opportunities to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. The Joe Burrow Foundation will do exactly that.