
About Laura Phillips

If Cirque du Soleil ever needs another expert juggler – one that stays completely calm under pressure – we’ve got just the person. Laura navigates multiple complex projects without ever dropping the ball or losing her cool. The word “unflappable” comes to mind. No matter how complicated the communications issues or how multilayered the needs, Laura expertly protects and builds brand equity and reputation. She’s worked with just about every type and size of organization imaginable – startups, century-old brands, mom-and-pop operations, heavily regulated multinational corporations, public entities, consumer product giants and many more. If there’s a need for nuanced, scrupulous communications, she’s ready to juggle.

What’s luck got to do with it?

While a little bit of luck can go a long way, most of those fairy tale businesses have backstories – hard work, strategic planning and deliberate choices – that enabled them to create their own luck.

By |2020-03-14T13:35:51-04:00March 11th, 2020|marketing|Comments Off on What’s luck got to do with it?

Facebook apocalypse?

Facebook is once again changing its algorithm to prioritize content from friends and family. As a Facebook user, thank you. As a Facebook marketer, WTH.

By |2019-02-23T10:22:06-05:00January 12th, 2018|social media|Comments Off on Facebook apocalypse?