About Grace Ring

Laughter is the best medicine, which makes Grace the healthiest person you’ve ever met. Her laughs are frequent, heartfelt and memorable – if you’ve heard her cracking up, you won’t forget it. Those laughs are also a reminder that having great fun and doing great work aren’t mutually exclusive. Grace takes seriously the business of creating thoughtful, strategic and effective work that solves clients’ problems. She has deep experience developing b2b and consumer-facing creative campaigns, including marketing, advertising and branding for industries including publishing, health care, food service and manufacturing.

Logo design inspiration

Leveraging trends may make a brand feel current, being on trend also means that a brand has less of an individual identity, and subsequently less recognition.

By |2022-06-22T11:33:38-04:00June 23rd, 2022|design|Comments Off on Logo design inspiration