Visual communication is trumping the written word, and humans want to digest information that is simple, creative and engaging. One of the most popular tools in visual communications is the infographic – a graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

Infographics make complex information easier to understand and focus on letting the pictures do the talking. With an increase in the number of easy-to-use, free tools and social media sites that allow users to share infographics, the trend is quickly growing.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing your next infographic:

Keep it short and sweet. Limit copy to just a few simple titles and a handful of bullet points.

Find a narrative. Just like writing any other piece of content, an infographic needs to have a common theme that will solve a reader’s problem or catch his/her attention. A key piece of data could be the starting point and structure to telling the story.

Focus your data. Use relevant data and be sure to fact check and credit your sources.

Stand by your brand. Remember, an infographic should reflect your brand’s personality and tone. Stick to images and language that are consistent with other marketing tools.

Separation station. Break content and graphics down into manageable chunks that are easy to follow. Have a “do” vs. “don’t” list? Consider turning it into an infographic, you can easily divide the content into two columns for a great visual.

Cut cost. If you lack design skills or have a limited budget, there are plenty of websites with templates available at little to no cost. Check out VC’s blog post on content creation sites.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Remember, the visual elements of an infographic are the most important part. It’s why you made the content into an infographic in the first place.