Brochure Layout & Editing
Northern Kentucky is not immune from our country’s devastating opioid epidemic. No demographic in the region is either. Fortunately, the Northern Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy (NKYODCP), the Northern Kentucky Health Department (NKY Health) and a host of organizations provide support to those who struggle with addiction, no matter where they are on their journey to recovery.
No Wrong Door is a regional initiative that ensures all Northern Kentuckians have access to life-saving information and services amid the crisis. As part of that effort, NKYODCP and NKY Health tasked Vehr with the layout and design of a comprehensive guide that provides information, advice, insights and resources that support each stage of the recovery process.
Based on a concept developed by a prior agency, Vehr brought the No Wrong Door theme to life. The Opening the Doors to Treatment & Recovery brochure depicted that each stage of an individual’s journey — prevention, harm reduction, treatment, reentry/recovery and family supports for loved ones — has a door that opens to help on the other side.
Importantly, Vehr counseled on and developed the corresponding format that best organized the information and reflected the theme, giving weight to each stage and the brochure’s comprehensive list of resources and contacts. Vehr also gave direction on the provided copy for consistency and compatibility.
Distributed to schools, health centers and other key locations within Northern Kentucky, residents now have a comprehensive resource to help them in any stage of the addiction-to-recovery journey. Notably, not only is it thorough and robust, but it is succinct and visually welcoming to all who may need it.